19. Homemade pizza: Blog to accompany the video

Our first date was at a pizza restaurant, and it was a big hit with this pizza enthusiast. The fourth date can mean mean a number of things, but for us it meant homemade pizza. Making pizza became one of our regular activities as we continued dating, got engaged, and then married. Pizza will always… Continue reading 19. Homemade pizza: Blog to accompany the video

17. Dried wedding bouquet Christmas tree/holiday keepsake ornaments

What happens to the big bouquet after your wedding? We may wonder because the bouquet connects us with special memories, and that bouquet may not have been inexpensive. But perhaps you don’t want to keep it propped up in a vase in bouquet-form indefinitely. Without fancy preservation (for example, this service), it will necessarily dry… Continue reading 17. Dried wedding bouquet Christmas tree/holiday keepsake ornaments

16. Having a Ball (Pit) as an Adult in 2022

Who remembers ball pits? Swimming in a full body massage of solid air bubbles, while hearing and feeling the reverberation of the colorful balls as they negotiate time and space? All suspended in a tight-woven net held by metal springs, and maybe some plasticky smells and textures too? They’ve become a rarity these days, for… Continue reading 16. Having a Ball (Pit) as an Adult in 2022